Tools for Building Information Literacy

From the time children can string together words they are posing questions and investigating their worlds. Parents and educators hope to continue to foster, support and ignite this innate sense of curiosity.  It is our jobs to give them the tools they need and guide them along the way.  We can no longer think of ourselves as the holder of information and answers.  
bm_library01.jpg - Library at the British Museum
Answering questions, seeking information and the process of research has changed dramatically.  The challenge of finding resources has taken on a whole different meaning.  In the past, students had to use tools to find the best 2 or 3 sources on their topic from a library.  Now finding resources means sorting through the millions of possible results (both online and offline) to find 2 or 3 sources that are credible, reliable and useful.
How do we help children make sense of it all?  How do we build information literacy?

Information Literacy - the ability to recognize when 
information is needed and being able to locate, 
evaluate and effectively use the needed information.  
AKA research.

The Big 6 and the Super 3
The Big 6 is a six step inquiry based framework for building “information literacy” through research. Super 3 is the same process, but designed for students in Lower Elementary School.

Kentucky Virtual Library How to Research Guide for Kids

Search Engines
Design your own search engine: Google Safe Search
Safe Search Kids
Sweet Search 4 me
Use this site to teach keywords and Boolean search tools: Boolify

